Saturday, November 20, 2010

Texture application

Here is an example of taking a poor photo and dressing it up with some judicious cropping and application of texture.  The image on the right was taken at dusk using a point-and-shoot camera.  The colors are muted and there is a lot of noise in the photo due to the low light conditions.  I cropped to move the boat out of the exact center of the frame, and to use the cluster of flowers on the left as a balance.  There was not much tonal variety in the original shot, and the application of texture, while warming the image, did not improve the tonality.  I really liked the dark moodiness of the edited photo, but the boat was pretty much lost in the background so I applied a mask to increase the level and bring it up a little, and also added a slight warming tone over just the boat.  It helped separate the boat from the background without totally spoiling the mood. You can see a larger version of the final processed image here. The other version is a watercolor conversion of the same image, just to see how it would be different.  I like it, but it loses some of the dark spookiness.

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